Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Case for Jewelry

My jewelry storage situation has been getting out of control recently:

Tangled octopi of necklaces
Mountains of unruly adornments

Things were getting desperate.
The biggest offenders were my earrings. Maybe it's because I only got my ears pierced three years ago and didn't grow up learning how to care for them, but I have always been at a loss.  I've tried keeping them on jar rims, poking them into ribbons, and sticking them in cardboard pieces, but they were always getting tangled and broken. I had finally had enough. Necessity bred this solution:
Nylon stockings over an empty frame.
Secured with  staples and hot glue. Two layers.
I cut the lining from an assorted chocolates box to fit this clamshell box.
Now it neatly holds pins, pendants, and charms.

The finished nylon-backed frame.

 A similar invention for necklaces:
Paper-covered cardboard in an empty frame.
Not exactly fine art, but at least the jewelry
is off the counter/carpet/dresser tops.